10 Reasons A Tree Or Limb On Your Property Should Be Removed

Tree service prices can be extremely costly but having trees on your property also provides many benefits, from increased property value to aesthetic appeal. However, it is important to be aware of the risks that come with having a damaged or dead tree on your property, and know when it might be time to let a tree go.

Some signs that a tree should be removed from your property include:

  1. A Damaged Tree: A damaged, cracked trunk is one of the most obvious signs that a tree should be removed or assessed for safety hazards.
  2. A Cracked Tree Trunk: Cracks or cavities in the trunk can indicate that a tree is no longer structurally sound, and an arborist should be consulted to determine its extensiveness.
  3. An Insect Infestation: Insect infestation is another sign that a tree may need to be removed, as some insects cause damage by cutting plants for egg-laying, which can transmit disease agents. A tree that has become extensively rotted or eaten away by insects can also be identified by examining the amount of fungus or sawdust at the base of the tree.
  4. Being Too Close To Your Home: Trees that are too close to the home can cause extensive damage to the foundation or sidewalk due to their root system.
  5. Leaning Tree: It’s natural for trees to lean, but when the lean is severe enough that the tree may fall over in a storm, it should be removed.
  6. Threatening health of other trees: Proximity to other trees. Trees that are close to other trees have a greater chance of falling on your house when the wind blows.
  7. Allowing too much sunlight to reach your home and or creating too much shade causes your home to be cold.
  8. Unstable Trunk or Roots A tree with an unstable trunk or root system is more likely to fail in high winds and cause damage to your home. As trees age, their root systems become less stable, thereby increasing the risk of falling over. Trees grow and change over time, so they may no longer be suited to the space they’re in or may have become too large for their location.
  9. Branches Overhanging or Dying: Branches and twigs can cause damage as they pass against your roof and soffit vents. When a tree has dead or dying branches, it’s often due to disease. It’s also possible that the branches were damaged by pests or storms. If the damaged branches are not removed, they will continue to decay and spread disease to other branches and parts of the tree.
  10. Proximity to Power Lines – Trees that are close to power lines can cause damage to power lines or cause them to fall on your house.

So there are many reasons to call a local tree service company to come out and assess your property for potential hazards and ways to increase your property value. Along with hazards removal of some trees can increase property value and save money on energy costs by allowing sunlight to reach and heat the home.

Types of Trees That are More Likely to Cause Damage to Your Home

There are certain types of trees that are more likely to cause damage to your home than others. These include:

  • Poplar
  • Elm
  • Birch trees

It’s important not to wait until it’s too late before getting a tree removed. The longer you leave it, the more dangerous and costly it will be to remove it. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call the experts at Scott’s Treewurk.

If you see any of these signs in your tree, it is important to contact a certified tree service consultant at Scott’s Treewurk in Kennesaw, GA as soon as possible. We will be able to conduct an on-site inspection and determine the root system’s structural integrity, as well as inspect the canopy for dead or broken branches. Call us at (678) 208-7336.

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